Aging in Place: A Guide to Growing Older at Home: Aging in Place
American Association of Retired People home page.
Elder Abuse, Recognition Abuse is a growing risk to seniors across the nation and understanding it is the first step to preventing it, so we created this guide for family members and caregivers looking for information to help recognize and prevent abuse. See THIS LINK.
Elder Care Connections has creative solutions to aging; works to improve the quality of life for elders, and to minimize stre ss for those who care for them.
Fit Memory Keep your whole self healthy in your golden years.
Great Lives Lecture Series These are very popular biographical lectures given by nationally-known experts on their subjects. Each year, from January to April, there are nineteen or so one-hour lectures on certain Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the University of Mary Washington's Dodd Auditorium. The season schedule is usually announced in late December.
Livable Home Tax Credit This program is designed to improve accessibility and universal visitability in Virginia’s residential units by providing state tax credits for the purchase of new units or the retrofitting of existing housing units. Tax credits are available for up to $5,000 for the purchase/construction of a new accessible residence and up to 50 percent for the cost of retrofitting existing units, not to exceed $5,000. Any tax credit that exceeds the eligible individual’s or licensed contractor’s tax liability may be carried forward for up to seven years. If the total amount of tax credits issued under this program exceeds the $1 million allocation in a given fiscal year, DHCD will pro-rate the amount of credits among the eligible applicants. See:
National Chains Offering Senior Discounts [click here to download]
New York Times Caring for Elders resource links
Refinance and Mortgage Guide for older members of society and senior family members in navigating the sometimes cumbersome process of purchasing and maintaining real estate at this hyperlink.
Road Scholar Extraordinary travel and learning adventures for people 55 and over.
Senior Navigator brings over 21,000 health and aging resources to seniors, caregivers, adults with disabilities and their families.
Senior Wellness Embrace your wellness. Embrace your golden years.
Sharp Brains Their mission is to provide the best science-based information and guidance for Brain Health and Fitness.
Stage Alive Community Concert Association (SACCA) is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that sponsors at least six concerts each "concert year" between September and May in nearby Culpeper, Virginia.
University of Mary Washington public events calendar The University has a single Web page with many of its calendars, including Public Events, Athletic Events, Theater, Fredericksburg Forum, James Monroe Museum, Campus Art Galleries, and Belmont.
Tips for Aging in Place: